by Bell-Fresh | Apr 30, 2017 | Equipment Maintenance Tips
Blue light, also known as high-energy visible (HEV) light, is a type of light with short wavelengths emitting a higher energy. The sun is the biggest source of blue light, but we also get exposure from TVs, computers, smart phones and tablets. And a large majority of...
by Bell-Fresh | Feb 28, 2017 | Equipment Maintenance Tips
We are all familiar with the old saying ”Time is money”. That really applies when your exam room equipment is not working properly. The slit lamp is one of the most important pieces of equipment in the exam room. The patient evaluation is challenging when the...
by Bell-Fresh | May 1, 2016 | Equipment Maintenance Tips
A neurologist’s diagnostic menu might include Octopus perimeters in the future. According to a Translation Vision Science & Technology study, glaucoma is a brain disease. With the Octopus 900, the Goldmann Perimeter moves into the computer age. Goldmann perimetry...
by Bell-Fresh | Oct 23, 2015 | Equipment Maintenance Tips
A Word from Chuck is a column by Chuck Bell, President of Bell Ophthalmic Like the selfie maker in your pocket, the retinal cameras out there continue to make quantum leaps in image quality. I’ve seen them all, and as I write this, my jaw is still wide open after a...
by Bell-Fresh | Jul 28, 2015 | Equipment Maintenance Tips, Ophthalmic Devices and Equipment
There will never be a shortage of glaucoma cases. But what will prevent you from treating them is an oldy-moldy perimeter that barely functions, frustrates your patients, and wastes your time. Before I dive into why you should consider Haag-Streit’s Octopus perimeter,...
by Bell-Fresh | Mar 30, 2015 | Equipment Maintenance Tips
[column size=”one-half”] A Word from Chuck is a column by Chuck Bell, President of Bell Ophthalmic Picture this scenario. You’ve just diagnosed a patient with an iris cyst or corneal ulcer. She doesn’t understand, and angrily questions the news. “Are you...