Hey, Siri!

Jul 29, 2016 | Uncategorized

be-0617-news2“Call my office.”

“Schedule a meeting with Justin tomorrow at 9 AM.”

“Remind me to buy bread on the way home.”

Siri is the perfect assistant – she’s efficient, doesn’t require coffee breaks and is usually polite. She understands simple commands that make our lives much easier. But perhaps she is under-used. She can do so much more.

For example, using Apple’s Home Kit Device commands, she can lock your home or business’ front door, turn lights on or off, or adjust your thermostat before your staff arrives.

Check out hundreds of other capabilities at Tech Ranker. The site offers instructions on how to set up Siri on your iPhone and a comprehensive guide to Siri commands.  Take a few minutes to watch the video, “Funny Things to Ask Siri”.

Siri doesn’t have a sophisticated sense of humor, but she can still make you laugh. Ask her a few silly questions and see how she responds. Maybe you can make her laugh. “Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-”
