Precision Instruments & Equipment to Grow Your Practice

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Innovative Laser Systems

For Your Practice

Slit lamp delivery systems designed to be compatible with a wide range of Haag-Streit or Zeiss types slit lamps.


System Integration.
Instruments. Service.

Count on our superior product knowledge and industry-
leading product lines to help you select the right instruments for your practice – all at a competitive price.

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Pre-Owned Ophthalmic Equipment

Over 50 years of exceptional service

The Bell Difference

  • Product demonstrations in your office
  • On-site training
  • Routine preventive maintenance visits
  • Installations and relocations
  • Emergency service – we’re on call 24/7 for our customers with our Emergency Support Text Messaging System


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“You, our customers, have the medical experience.
We have the technical know-how. Together, the ultimate objective for all of us is to provide excellent, reliable service for the welfare of your patients.”